Для слабовидящих







Along with foreign languages Murmansk Language School is happy to administer courses in Russian for our students from abroad.

In 2022 we offer a short-term elementary Russian course for non-native speakers.

Learning Russian in Murmansk language school includes:

- essential skills for everyday communication;

- competent English-speaking teachers;

- classes twice a week in the evening;

- well-equipped classrooms and comfortable environment.

For details contact us at info@murmanls.ru.

Exquisite like Tchaikovsky’s music,

Unique like Yashin’s and Tretyak’s games,

Gripping like Tarkovsky’s films,

Never out-of-date like Dostoevsky’s books.

Russian will help you to emerge into the culture and history of wonderful people.

And who knows, perhaps you will even be able to comprehend the Russian mysterious soul…

Learn the Russian language with us! Let’s go! Поехали!